Considering that this website is based around creating easy to follow and useful tutorials, I decided to share the places I go for Flex tutorials and information. Now of course the number one place I would go to find Flex tutorials would be this site, but you already knew that.
My first list here is some of the great places I go to find Flex tutorials. If you can’t find a particular item at one of these sites it’s going to be hard to find it anywhere on the web. These are in no particular order but I was very picky on what I put in this category. I apologize in advance to anyone who feels I have missed a big site or blog.
Flex Examples
Peter deHaan currently works for Adobe on the Flex SDK QA team. He writes so many small tutorials that it’s hard to even keep up with this man on any level. I always go to this site if I am in need of a small specific item.
Dzone is a great community based site for sharing developer links. The site is setup in a similar fashion as popular sites such as Digg or Reddit. The great thing is that this site has as many tutorials linked on it as anywhere else on the web.
Adobe Flex Developer Center and Cookbook Adobe Developer Center is great resource for complete tutorials and articles on how to get started with Flex or any of the other Adobe products. The other Adobe resource is the Cookbook which is built off of community code snippets that solve small programming tasks.
Doug McCune
Doug is a pretty big name in the Flex community (he gives presentations all over the country at Flex events), most of the items you are going to find on his site are examples of cool applications built using Flex. These examples usually include the source code. I would not strictly call them tutorials, but all the source and examples make it a great place to learn Flexing techniques.
Sounds cliche but Google is the best single source for finding Flex tutorials and information. Simply search for anything your looking for (like “flex tutorials”), Google is also the best way find anything in the Flex documentation. Usually I will search for something like “flex 3 combobox” or similar.
The above list is strictly where I go to find and research Flex tutorials. I felt that it would really be a disservice to fail to mention some of the the other great Flex resources out there. The people and places below are some of the best Flex assets out on the web; be sure to take advantage of these. Flash Blog
This blog is written by Frantisek Kormanak (Franto) and has great deal of posts on how to program in Flex and in Flash. I would say that most of his posts are informational and include great examples. is the main community site for Flex developers, which includes a showcase and resources for everything from PHP to .Net.
Ryan Stewart
Ryan Stewart is a Platform Evangelist for Adobe who is also a prolific blogger. He writes about anything involving RIAs and web technologies that catch his fancy. You can also check out his ZDNet blog here.
Alex Harui
Alex writes short posts that are usually nice Flex examples solving common and uncommon problems people run across in Flex. He works with the Adobe Flex core team in San Francisco.
Eric Feminella
This gentleman writes very interesting pieces on Flex, AS3, and programming architecture. He has given a lot of code to the community and is always trying to architect a new solutions for common issues.
There were also some close runner ups, most of the below people and sites post good information, but just may not post as often or sometimes they are off topic - not that off topic posts are bad.
All things considered I think I have put together a good set of resources for someone who is looking for a myriad of Flex information. If we have missed any site out there let us know in the comments, the more the merrier.